Marquetry Craft Knife Guide
Marquetry Craft Knives
Marquetry Craft Knife Handle No. 1
Product Code: T80
Metal handle of 8mm diameter.
Length (without blade): 125mm
Supplied with 1 Fine Point Blade (T91).
This handle compatible with the following blades:
Marquetry Craft Knife Handle No. 2
Product Code: T79
Metal handle of 11mm diameter.
Length (without blade): 125mm
Supplied with 1 Fine Point Blade (T90).
This handle compatible with the following blades:
Marquetry Craft Knife Handle No. 5
Product Code: T78
Plastic handle of 21.5mm diameter.
Length (without blade): 100mm
Supplied with 1 Angled Chisel Blade (T96).
This handle compatible with the following blades:
The Marquetry Craft Knife Handle No. 5 can also be used with:
Swann Morton Craft Knives
The Swann Morton handles differ depending on their fitment, available in either:
• Small
• Large
For example, the small fitment blades are compatible with the small fitment handles.
Swann Morton Handles
Small Fitment
Small Fitment
Small Fitment
Small Fitment
Large Fitment
Large Fitment
Large Fitment
Swann Morton Blades
The Swann Morton blades differ depending on their fitment, available in either:
• Small
• Large
For example, the small fitment blades and compatible with the small fitment handles.
Small Fitment
Small Fitment
Small Fitment
Small Fitment
Small Fitment
Small Fitment
Large Fitment
Large Fitment